"... I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day." -Alma 38:5

Friday, July 15, 2011

Coming and Going and Conferences

Elder Maes, our Assistant, Cerro Zone at the February zone conference, Sister Flores modeling her apron. Sister Ramos at the airport, New Oros and trainers in February, Flores zone, New Oros, Sister Casebolt at the zone conference activity, Elder Oakey retiring his tie, Elder Lopez and his mother ready to go, Elder Ferriera excited to finish strong, Oeste zone. These are some of the comings and goings of the last six months.
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One Year in the mission

The skies and sunsets in Uruguay are very beautiful. I love the drive through the countryside of this country. These are also some of the Oros and fieles of the last six months. We have been in Uruguay one year now and have learned to love the mission especially these wonderful elders and sisters. They work hard and are learning to have faith in the Savior as they do His work here in this part of the world.
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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Six months in the mission

We have just finished a wonderful Holiday season and six months in the mission. It has gone by so fast. We welcomed our first very own missionaries in July and have welcomed 3 more since then. We have traveled the beautiful country of Uruguay many times, viewed the flowers, ostriches, cows and sheep. We have had zone conferences, beautiful choirs and musical numbers, nativity scenes, Santa Claus; tie, apron and meet your trainer traditions, and learned more than you will ever know. We love our missionaries and all the work they do. Elder Longshore who went home last change summed up missionary life quite well.

Six months in the MIssion

.. Elder Longshore who just went home last change kind of sums it all up.
I am going to quote Elder Longshores parting words about the mission: “ I still remember like it was yesterday, when my stake president set me apart. In the blessing he told me that these 2 years would be the one of the funnest times of my life. And boy is that true. Sure I have been spit on, made fun of, sun burned, freezing in the rain, the kind recipient of a few flying rocks, but it has been amazing and fun! I truly saw how the gospel is the solution to any problem we come across in our lives. I am grateful for all the amazing and wonderful experiences I have had in this beautiful country. I will remember all of the baptisms, the names, the faces and the spirit that was felt at every service, and the members who would slave over a hot stove on a scorching hot day just to give us something good to eat. The countless hours of blood, sweat and well….more sweat we offered as we served the people. I have learned how to build houses, destroy houses; how to garden, sew, change pipes(so gross), and to love the person who you are serving. I love the feeling I get when I help someone who is really in need of it and who really appreciates it. I have many more amazing experiences that are going to help me the rest of my life! I love the Uruguay Montevideo Mission.” Elder Longshore was a leader in the mission and a very positive, happy person. This is what a mission does for you. Kalin, Randon, and Kylan you will be there before you know it. Prepare now for a wonderful, special, spiritual and yet hard experience where you will come to know Heavenly Father and Jesus more and learn to love and serve others.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Dad doing pushups at the zone conference. The missionaries were impressed! He did 30-42 each time.

Mercedes and President doing pushups at Zone Conference